Accounting & Insolvency Firm Case Study (June 2022)

Evans Insolvency.

Evans Insolvency Logo

Creating new beginnings for a Welsh Insolvency Firm

HR Harris has operated in South Wales for over 30 years, offering accounting and insolvency services for businesses and individuals. With both accounting and insolvency services being offered under the same name, the firm was faced with a lack of referrals from other accountants and an unclear proposition. As a result, the partners took the decision to create a separate insolvency business with its own unique name, brand, clients, and proposition.

Evans Consultancy Team photo

Mark Evans, Director at Evans Insolvency, had this to say:

We approached Consortium to help us rebrand our insolvency business and put in place a solid base to start marketing the firm more effectively. The process was enjoyable, and efficient and put us in an advantageous position to manage our marketing activities in-house going forward. We found that working with Kat over the course of the rebrand and the transition ran very smoothly. She provided us with useful tips and tools which have now allowed us to take control of our brand and the marketing ourselves. Business has positively improved since our re-brand last year. We would whole-heartedly recommend Consortium for similar projects.”

The Brief

For over 30 years HR Harris & Partners has provided clients across Wales and the Southwest with accounting and insolvency services under the brand’s HR Harris Accountancy and HR Harris Insolvency. Their accounting arm did and still does offer comprehensive financial planning solutions to personal and business clients, from accounting to audit, business advice, payroll, VAT, personal and corporation tax, and more. Their insolvency firm offers a range of services for both corporate and personal insolvency solutions for small businesses and individuals that are facing financial difficulties.

HR Harris & Partners found that there was not enough distinction between HR Harris Accountancy and HR Harris Insolvency which meant local accountants were reluctant to refer business to HR Harris Insolvency.

The partners decided that they needed to separate the businesses. They agreed that HR Harris Accountancy would remain and maintain the established brand of HR Harris, and the insolvency business would become an independent stand-alone practice. HR Harris approached Consortium more than marketing to create a distinct marketing strategy, brand, and image to launch the ‘new’ business.

Whilst they had been trading for many years under the auspices of HR Harris, the now-called Evans Insolvency effectively needed to completely relaunch their firm which included creating a new website, their social media presence, in fact, their entire digital presence. This would allow them to explore opportunities with local accountants that they had not been able to do previously being associated with a competitor accounting practice. This is where Consortium more than marketing played to its strengths.

The Approach

Once Evans Insolvency had defined its business objectives, our account manager was able to devise a comprehensive marketing strategy and action plan, outlining the overarching marketing objectives, competitive landscape, target audience, and suggested tactics to deliver the business’s mission.

Part of the project involved a rebrand including a new website which we managed in collaboration with an external web agency.

Along with setting up the firm’s new social media profiles, our account manager implemented content and visual templates that could easily be adapted and created by the team. She provided training to the business so that they had the confidence to continue to identify marketing opportunities and create visual marketing assets to deliver their key marketing messages. At the same time, we also managed PR to drive brand awareness and promote the new firm in the local media and community.

The Outcome

The strategy we developed for Evans Insolvency was to build brand awareness in their local community and gave them a solid plan so that the business could continue to profile itself with clients across wider networks, without additional marketing resources.

Many firms can easily become overwhelmed trying to implement marketing and without a formal strategy and action plan, much of their energy and efforts can be directionless and ineffective. With a clear and documented marketing strategy, our account manager empowered Evans Insolvency to continue to implement its business objectives through its marketing strategy and tactics. Consortium more than marketing provided Evans Insolvency with a purposeful plan to drive the business into the future.

Consortium More Than Marketing said: “It was such a pleasure to work with HR Harris and Evans Insolvency on this project. It was great to help them create a brand on a blank canvas, whilst leveraging the equity they had created for 30-years to help establish themselves for the next 30 years and beyond.”

We can help you too.

If you are launching a practice or if you are a professional services firm that needs a rebrand, please do get in touch. Email us or call 01903 530787.

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